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R-Type CPC(Easter Egg) convertido a Enterprise por Geco

Publicado: 28 Mar 2019, 16:28
por gflorez
Geco ha convertido a Enterprise el juego R-Type de CPC creado por Easter Egg. El programa es EXOS compatible y necesita al menos 128 KB memory.
Reconoce máquinas Turbo y adapta la reproducción de sonido a la frecuencia del procesador. El archivo contiene 2 versiones, R-TYPE.* tiene colores más pastel, mientras que R_TYPE.* tiene colores más oscuros y el rosa ha sido sustituido por naranja en el primer mapa.

direction: IJKL, int joy, ext 1/2 joy
Fire1: bal/jobb shift, ext 1/2 fire1
Fire2: \ / , ext 1/2 fire2
Pause: Space
Game over: ESC
Set game speed: 1-4 (3 is the original, on 4Mhz only 4 has effect, the game becomes a bit slower)
Extra credit: 5

Easter eggs:
OPTIONS/CREDITS: wait 2 minutes when the scroll finished, and an extra text will appear and shows how to reach Cybernoid map (the name is ORGY)
Reaching level 0: destroy the mouth (left side) of the ship in level 3 and fly into it
Turn cheat menu on/off: go to OPTIONS to GAME MODE and do the following sequence:right right left left right right left left right left right left fire
Skip intro: press Esc/Space after game loading started (the loader checks theese keys at the beginning)
Load with Speccy loader screen (Skip intro): press S+P keys after game loading started (the loader checks theese keys at the beginning)
Load with Amiga loader screen (Skip intro): press A+M keys after game loading started (the loader checks theese keys at the beginning)